Most information for the CI-V commands comes from the user manuals itself. Other sources include various web sites, especially the level converter designs. Edition, dated March, 11, This reference manual is available in print for a minimal fee from Icom America. The information found here is compiled from various sources. If you plan to use any contents of this site, please let my know in advance.
The contents of this site may be freely copied as long as this copyright notice is included and remains unchanged. Please drop me an email, see 'Impressum' Imprint for contact details. I am grateful for any corrections, new information or suggestions to this site. Nevertheless I try to be as accurate as possible. Well, ok, since I sell them at my employer I don't take any responsibilities for the accuracy or timeliness of information, nor for any damage due to mis-information or use of software provided here. I am in no way linked to Icom, nor have I ever been, except as a user of their rigs. These pages summarize what I have learnt about the CI-V interface over that time. And at the same time I am looking for interesting things to write software for.